乾 (隊長),井之上 (副隊長),杉浦 (隊員)
物語理解 (story understanding),プラン (plan),修辞構造 (rhetorical structure),照応 (anaphora),省略 (ellipsis, zero anaphora)


  • 2/17 (木) 15:00-16:00
  • 2/2 (水) 15:30-16:30
  • 12/14 (火) 研究会終了後
    • 井之上の研究会発表,杉浦の進捗状況について軽くディスカッション
  • 12/9 (木) 9:30-
  • 12/3 (金) 9:30-
  • 11/25 (木) 14:00-
    • 杉浦:進捗報告 (内部資料)
  • 11/17 (水) 16:30-



Discourse Theory

  • Rhetorical Structure Theory
  • Discourse Representation Theory
  • Dan Cristea, Nancy Ide and Laurent Romary. Veins Theory: A Model of Global Discourse Cohesion and Coherence. ACL 1998. pdf
  • Barbara J. Grosz, Aravind K. Joshi and Scott Weinstein. Centering: A Framework for Modeling the Local Coherence of Discourse. Computational Linguistics, 1995. pdf
  • Barbara J. Grosz and Candace L. Sidner. ATTENTION, INTENTIONS, AND THE STRUCTURE OF DISCOURSE. Computational Linguistics, 1986. pdf
  • Bonnie Webber. Accounting for Discourse Relations: Constituency and Dependency. Intelligent Linguistic Architectures, 2006. pdf
  • Florian Wolf, Edward Gibson. Representing Discourse Coherence: A Corpus-Based Study. Computational Linguistics, 2005.
  • Bonnie Webber, Matthew Stone, Aravind Joshi and Alistair Knott. Anaphora and Discourse Structure. Computational Linguistics, 2003. pdf
  • Daniel Marcu. A Formal and Computational Synthesis of Grosz and Sidner's and Mann and Thompson's theories. 1999. pdf
  • Erhard Hinrichs. Discourse Annotation of Corpora. pdf
  • Johanna D. Moore and Martha E. Pollack. A Problem for RST: The Need for Multi-Level Discourse Analysis. Computational Linguistics, 1992. pdf

Plan Recognition

  • Douglas E. Appelt and Martha E. Pollack. Weighted Abduction for Plan Ascription. Technical Note 491, SRI International, 1992. pdf
  • Sandra Carberry. Techniques for Plan Recognition. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 11(1-2), pp. 31-48, 2001. pdf

Discourse Parsing

  • Annie Louis, Rashmi Prasad, Aravind Joshi and Ani Nenkova. Using Entity Features to Classify Implicit Discourse Relations. SIGDIAL 2010. pdf
  • Aria Haghighi and Dan Klein. Coreference Resolution in a Modular, Entity-Centered Model. NAACL-HLT 2010. pdf
  • Emily Pitler, Annie Louis and Ani Nenkova. Automatic sense prediction for implicit discourse relations in text. ACL-IJCNLP 2009. pdf
  • Rajen Subba and Barbara Di Eugenio. An effective Discourse Parser that uses Rich Linguistic Information. NAACL-HLT 2009. pdf
  • Ravikiran Vadlapudi, Poornima Malepati and Suman Yelati. Hierarchical Discourse Parsing Based on Similarity Metrics. RANLP 2009. pdf
  • Jason Baldridge and Alex Lascarides. Probabilistic Head-Driven Parsing for Discourse Structure. CoNLL 2005. pdf
  • Daniel Marcu and Abdessamad Echihabi. An Unsupervised Approach to Recognizing Discourse Relations. ACL 2002. pdf

Probabilistic Reasoning

  • Ekaterina Ovchinnikova, Niloofar Montazeri, Theodore Alexandrov, Jerry R. Hobbs, Michael C. McCord and Rutu Mulkar-Mehta. Abductive Reasoning with a Large Knowledge Base for Discourse Processing. IWCS 2011. pdf
  • James Blythe, Jerry R. Hobbs, Pedro Domingos, Rohit J. Kate and Raymond J. Mooney. Implementing Weighted Abduction in Markov Logic. IWCS2011. pdf
  • Dan Garrette, Katrin Erk, Raymond Mooney. Integrating Logical Representations with Probabilistic Information using Markov Logic. IWCS2011. pdf
  • Sindhu V. Raghavan, Raymond J. Mooney. Bayesian Abductive Logic Programs. AAAI 2010. pdf
  • RohitJ. Kate RaymondJ. Mooney. Probabilistic Abduction using Markov Logic Networks. IJCAI 2009 on PAIR 2009. pdf
  • A Unified Approach to Abductive Inference (ARO 2008 MURI Project@University of Washington)



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